- The Annual Fluorite Production Capacity of Mine B: 42,000 tons/year
- The Annual Metallurgical Grade Granule with Average CaF2 Content 80% to 90%: 9,000 tons/year
- The Annual Acid Grade Powder with Average CaF2 Content 97%: 33,000 tons/year

Mine A is located in Uulbayan sum (乌拉白音苏木), Sükhbaatar province(苏赫巴托省), 530 kilometres (“km”) from Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. Mine A’s mining license is valid till 29 March 2037. Mine A covers an area of 39.35 hectare (590.25 mu).
According to SRK Consulting Limited, an indicated resource of Mine A of around 1.3 million tons and an inferred resource of around 2.95 million tons with average CaF2 content 37%. Mine A is in preparation stage.

Mine B is located in the Batnorov sum (八音敖包苏木), Khentii Province (肯特省), 440 km from Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. Mine B covers an area of 98.37 hectare (1475.55 mu) and its license is valid till 28 April 2041.
According to SRK Consulting Limited, an indicated resource of Mine B of around 1.15 million tons and an inferred resource of around 1.35 million tons with average CaF2 content 66%. Mine B is ready for mining and processing.

Mine C is adjacent to Mine B. Mine C covers an area of 300.96 hectare (4,514.4 mu) and its license is valid till 23 April 2043. Mine C is in preliminary stage.